Get Out of the Boat

Growing up in a Christian community, the parable of Jesus walking on water was always being taught on Sunday mornings. Generally, we would complete our regular routine of a tacky, animated movie followed by a quick group discussion, and finalized with a craft consisting of popsicle sticks and cotton balls. Even after hearing the story repeatedly and winning the lesson’s “Bible Trivia” every Sunday, I still never understood how all of that related to me-until about a couple of months ago.

When I started high school last fall, I quickly learned my position at the bottom of the totem pole. I was sure to do what I was told, when I was told-nothing more, nothing less. However, it wasn’t until about a month or two into the school year when I really realized that the people at my school were severely hurting and desperately needed a savior. It was then when God took me back to Matthew 14:22-33.

Peter’s Venture Out of the Boat

If you look in verse 23, Jesus dismisses his disciples and goes to pray by himself. Keep in mind that Jesus was seriously the busiest man in the world. At the end of the chapter it even says that “…they sent word to all the surrounding country. People brought all their sick to him” (Matthew  14:35). There were constantly people that needed to be healed, yet Jesus made time to spend alone with the Lord. If Jesus made time to spend with the creator, then so can I.

Then, the disciples are off at sea when a monstrous storm hits. When the disciples first spotted Jesus in the ocean, they believed him to be a ghost. If you know anything about the disciples, then you that they were constantly on Jesus’ tracks. Wherever He went, they would go, too. So why didn’t they recognize him in the storm? I think a lot of times through our adversities and hardships we become so self-centered and doubtful that we are oblivious to this savior who is telling us to come to him.

Picture this: The disciples’ boat is our comfort zone that insures us safety and securities while the sea is trembling with heartbreak, hopelessness, disparity, and temptation.

When Peter first steps out of the boat, he starts off with good intentions, but his faith falters.  Verse 30 states that “when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’” When Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, there was hope and security that he would stay above the treacherous waves. However, he defies his faith in Jesus and looks around at the chaos going on around him and begins to sink. It’s the same way with us. We get out of our “boat” having intents to keep our eyes on Him, but then start to belittle our relationship with Christ by giving into the expectations and opinions of society. This then causes us to sink into a sea of hopelessness where we can only escape by the help of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The cool thing is, throughout our life when we feel stranded and as if we are helplessly sinking, His righteous hand is always there, ready to pull us up.

Finally, after Jesus rescues Peter from drowning, they return to the disciples’ boat and the storm ceased. “Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God’” (Matthew 4:33). When we have Jesus in our “boat”, in the center and comfort of our lives, he will calm our storm so that we can worship and glorify His name. This is where he will craft and prepare us for when He gives us an opportunity to walk on water.

Though we may not walk across water, we go through difficult, faith-testing circumstances. We attempt to go through our storms by ourselves, but the challenges we face are far too great for us to handle alone. Are you sinking in despair or are you looking to Jesus and his miraculous power for help?

Getting Out of the Boat

Getting out of the boat means to get out of our comfort zone and do hard things that we have never done before. It could be as simple as refusing to go see an inappropriate movie with some friends or not buying a certain outfit because it draws attention to you in the wrong way. Or it could be going up to a friend or teacher and praying with them. We can (and must) stand boldly-even forcefully if the situation requires it-but our standing should always be done with loving humility. We must hate the sin, not the sinner. Apart from God’s grace, not one of us is saved or sanctified. But, what is it that keeps us shackled in our “boats”?

  • Peer pressure- so often, we tend to follow what society expects us to do because then, we blend into the crowd and become a part of the social group. We get caught up into the thought that we will not be accepted and charged as an outcast by our peers.
  • Mental Comfort- It’s time that we realize that God’s calling doesn’t always put us in a comforting position. The journey is not going to be filled with unicorns and rainbows. It will be filled with temptation and faith-testing challenges that will require a heck of a lot of faith and boldness. God did not call us to be comfortable; He called us to be content.

15 Seconds of Pure Boldness

This is something that I like to call “15 Seconds of Pure Boldness”. You are talking to your friends in the locker room when one of them tells you that their parents are getting divorced. You hear that little small voice in the back of your head telling you to sit down and pray with them. Do you freak out and leave the situation? I challenge you to take a deep breath, take a step out of your boat, and keep your eyes on Jesus-never looking down. It may not always make sense, but it will always make us stronger. This will require looking beyond the darkness, and into the light. No matter the situation, “The Lord goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8). When going throughout the halls of your school (or Walmart), take 15 seconds of pure boldness and spread the love of Jesus. It all starts with clearing your mind of the possible outcomes, forgetting about the people around you, and focusing on the task that God has presented you with. I promise you, by doing this God will open so many doors and you will be GREATLY rewarded!


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